cont from previous message.... * Commodore, its shareholders, its dealers, its developers, and its end-user base continue to have a long-term commitment to the Amiga and its future as a multimedia, business and consumer microcomputer. * Commodore (and the Amiga) is a pioneer in the emerging multimedia market. The company and its independant developers actually are helping define multimedia. Many companies say they are "in" multimedia without really knowing what that means. Commodore has a strong end-user base executing a wide variety of multimedia applications today. * Multimedia is not a single market or application. Multimedia is a method of designing and integrating computer technologies on a single platform that enables the end-user to input, create, manipulate, and output text, graphics, audio and video with a single user interface. * Commodore is focusing on four key business markets, for professional applications, in the United Sates: videography, professional training, kiosk information systems, and presentation systems. The company has significant market share in each of these business markets. * The company recently launched an aggressive marketing and advertising campaign to support and increase its leadership position in these four key business markets. In addition, Commodore is updating industry trade editors and reporters about the company's U.S. business strategy against these four key professional markets. * Commodore has added new senior management to the consumer side of the business. The company plans to extend current strengths of the Amiga into consumer channels with a variety of product announcements and new consumer applications during the next 12 months. * NewTek is a valued developer. The Video Toaster is a great Amiga peripheral. But the Amiga is much, much more than just a power supply for NewTek's Video Toaster. In fact, to say that the Amiga is "just a power supply for the toaster" is a totally wrong and misguided depiction of the Amiga. And, NewTek's Video Toaster is dependent on the Amiga's custom chip technology. * The Amiga offers the best "price/performance" for multimedia computing solutions available today. In addition, the Amiga provides "traditional" office computing applications and a wide variety of entertainment packages. The Amiga also provides options to read and write MS-DOS and MacIntosh files. * This is the most exciting time in the history of Commodore and Amiga computing. The company's visibility in the microcomputer industry should increase significantly during the next year as new programs, products, strategies and applications mature. Final Thoughts We are taking specific steps to not only regarding this incident but also to ensure that we regain more leverage and positive coverage in the general media and reporting environment going forward. To that end, we're planning some specific press events at both World of Commodore and Fall Comdex. We've also begun an intensive telephone contact campaign to strengthen our ongoing relationships with hundreds of editors, reporters, and freelancers who write about Commodore and the Amiga. We are committed to increasing the flow of accurate information to these important and influential media audiences. In the meantime, please help us with the impressions precipitated by the Robinson article; follow through on the recommendations we've made in this correspondence. Please consider faxing Mandi Griffies, in our corporate communications department, copies of any correspondence you generate on behalf of this effort and report subsequent media feedback and results directly to her. Her fax number is (215) 431-9465. Thank you for your concern and partnership. P.S. "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." -- Mark Twain, 1897